28 Aug 2021

Till Lindemann's performance at the Maclarin Festival tomorrow is in jeopardy. The organizers, Till, and his agent have been worried by the Russian authorities, as reported by several local journalists.

The festival was organised without taking into account the restrictions on holding public events. The businessman Maxim Larin is also accused of making propaganda for the nationalist party "Rodina". He claimed that the festival was only "patriotically oriented", despite some advertisements mentioning the name "Maclarin for Rodina".

On Saturday night, the police searched Till's hotel room in his presence. The singer was ordered not to violate anti-COVID measures in connection with the concert. Earlier, the band Bi-2, who were to headline the festival, announced the cancellation of their concert "due to a warning about the inadmissibility of the event, received by the band from the local authorities."

Till Lindemann's agent Anar Reiband could be deported from Russia for violating migration rules. Reiband has been detained in an administrative procedure. The report states that when he crossed the Russian border, Reiband claimed to be there as a tourist, when in fact he was there to organise the concert. "The documents were sent to the court in the city of Konakovo. If the court finds Reiband guilty, he may be placed in a temporary detention centre for migrants and deported from the Russian Federation," the report concludes.

According to Maxim Larin, currently "plainclothes officers" are preventing Lindemann from holding a rehearsal: "Before entering the concert venue, the police are stopping all trucks containing the equipment".

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